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  • Government energy-efficient Lights Upgrades

    OmegaLED lights are replacing existing halogen, Incandescent and compact fluorescent lights with energy-efficient LED lights. The energy-efficient scheme reduces consumption of power, bills and LED lights last longer. The scheme falls under the NSW Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) for households and businesses. At OmegaLED lights we take care of the pre- assessment, all paperwork in regards approvals and installed in- house Licensed Electrician. The more energy you save better the deal works. It can be a Shop, office, corporate building, Car park, Warehouse, Industrial site or more. 

    A typical upgrade for Office Lights to LED lights cost – $33.00 only Per Site.


    A upgrade to old typical 400W metal halide, mercury vapour or high pressure sodium lamps which fits into the large conical fitting with .5mm below the ballast, started and control gear is replaced with ( 100W/120W/150W or 200W) depending on the site by site and assessment. The payback period is Less than 6months with IP65 rating, Return on Investment >180% with a beam Angle – 120 Degrees and most important the warranty 5 Years.

    Under the Government Incentive scheme we upgrade the existing lights to, Highbay LED lights, Flood LED lights, Back-Lite Panel Lights, LED Tube Lights, LED Downlights, Car Park LED lights, Ceiling LED lights and Batten LED lights.  All the incentives are managed and regulated by NSW regulations, including product application, compliance and look after the accredited parties to look after eligible activities and create certificates.

    4FT IP65 Batten With Sensor
    LED Tube Lights
    LED Flood Light
    LED Flood Light
    2FT IP65 Batten with Sensor
    LED Tri-colour Downlights
    Batten LED lights
    LED panel Lights